Chirema ndochina mazano chinotamba chakazendama kumadziro

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Chirema ndochina mazano chinotamba chakazendama kumadziro

English Direct Translation

A cripple is one who is clever, he dances while leaning against a wall.


  1. Mwana wegonzo anotamba akatarisa mudenga / kune mu- dzimu wake.

(A young rat plays whilst looking upwards to his ‘mudzimu’)

  1. Shiri-nzvere inotamba yakaringa dendere.

(A bird with (recently hatched) young ones is happy whilst looking at its nest)


Munhu wose anoziva kuti ane chimwe chaanotairira pamuviri wake капа papfungwa ane maitiro ake kuti aregere kusekwa navamwe капа kukundikana paupenyu. Munhu asingagone kushambira haaendi kwakadzika kana achituhwina navamwe.


Every person would like to conceal his defects as far as possible. A man who is unable to swim will always avoid the deeper part of the pool when he bathes with others. Come to terms with your limitations!

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