Kwadzinorohwa matumburira ndiko kwadzinomhanyira

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Kwadzinorohwa matumburira ndiko kwadzinomhanyira.

English Direct Translation 

Where they (hares) are beaten in the belly (killed), that is where they flock again.

Shona Explanation 

Kazhinji vanhukadzi vanowanzoda murume ane rushusho, anorova; uye munhu asina hanya navamwe vanhu ndiye anowanzodiwa navazhinji. Vanhu vanowanzornhanyira kuita chinhu chinenge chichirambidzwa, zve, chichikuvadza. 

English Explanation 

Even though ill-treated, some people stay with those who ill- treat them. For instance, women are still willing to marry a brutal man, even though he has divorced wife after wife. Some people insist on doing things which they know are harmful to them, like smoking dagga.

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