Mamvura mazhinji akatunza kuba

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Mamvura mazhinji akatunza kuba.

English Direct Translation 

Heavy rains encourage stealing.


  1. Zimvura guru rakatunza kuba

Shona Explanation 

Kazhinji mbavha dzinobuda kuenda kundoba kana dzoona kuti kunze kune hore yemvura iyo ingazopfudza tsoka dzavo. Vanhu vanowanzopara mhosva nokuda kwezviedzo zvinovapa pfungwa dzokuti zvavari kuita hazvizozivikanwi kana kuonekwa.

English Explanation 

Usually, thieves go out to steal when they expect rain. The water washes away foot-prints so that they cannot be traced. This is quoted to advise against committing a crime in the hope that favourable conditions will prevent detection. Such seemingly favourable conditions may disappear and expose the crime

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