Usapedza mapfumo mukubaya nhema  idzo nzou dzichauya

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Usapedza mapfumo mukubaya nhema  idzo nzou dzichauya

English Direct Translation 

Don’t waste spears on stabbing rhinos when elephants (may still) show up.


  1. Usapedzera tsvimbo kuna vanamakuve hanga dzichauya.(hanga: guinea fowl; makuwe: go-away-bird)
  2. Itsvimbo dzokutamba nadzo kupotsera makunguo idzo shiri dziripo. (It’s wasting knobkerries to throw them at crows when (edible) birds are around.)
  3. Usatanda hwiza idzo tsuro dzichauya. (Don’t pursue locusts when hares (may still) show up.)
  4. Usaswerera kurwira chitundu chamakakanje chehove chiripo.(Do not fight over a heap of crabs when a shoal of fish is in sight.)

Shona Explanation 

Kazhinji munhu anowanzoparadza njere nenguva yake pazvinhu zvisina chimuko asi kana zvinhu zvikuru zvouya munhu wacho oshaya mazano.

English Explanation 

People often dissipate their strength and intelligence on trivial matters. As a result, they have spent themselves when it comes to more demanding issues.

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